OK Recycled ISO 14021:2016
Shema certificiranja TUV AUSTRIA OK Recycled provjerava reciklirani sadržaj proizvoda, osiguravajući sukladnost sa zahtjevima ISO 14021:2016. ALUMIL je jedina tvrtka u Grčkoj i jedna od rijetkih odabranih u svijetu koja je dobila ovaj certifikat za proizvodnju trupaca koji sadrže 80% recikliranog aluminija, a koji se mogu koristiti za proizvodnju svih profila arhitektonskih sustava..
*This certification refers to billets produced in Greece
OK Recycled ISO 14021:2016
TÜV AUSTRIA's OK Recycled Certification Scheme verifies the recycled content of products, ensuring compliance with ISO 14021:2016 requirements. ALUMIL is the only company in Greece, and among the select few globally, that has attained this certification for the production of billets that contain 60% recycled aluminium and are used in all architectural system profiles.
*This certification refers to billets produced in Greece
Sustav upravljanja energijom ISO 50001:2011
Sistem upravljanja kvalitetom ISO 9001
FPC - Tvornička kontrola proizvodnje EN ISO 15088
Sustav upravljanja okolišem ISO 14001:2015
GSB International