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One year ALUMIL Green Ambassadors!

More than a year ago, ALUMIL’s voluntary team of employees, Green Ambassadors, was created. The main goals of the team were to raise the awareness of the company's people around ecological issues and to take initiatives in order to protect the environment with actions both inside and outside the company.

One year later, the Green Ambassadors have grown in number and have completed a plethora of interesting activities. The following are some of the most important actions of the team during the last year:

Cleanup on a beach outside Thessaloniki

On May 8th, following the annual event of the “European Maritime Day”, Green Ambassadors participated in the cleanup action at the coastal area of Epanomi, near Thessaloniki. The action was organized by Thermaikos Municipality and several groups contributed. The final outcome: 182 bags, 80 of which contained trash and 102 contained recyclable materials.

Cleanup in Doirani lake area

The team responded to the initiative of the General Tourism Office of the Kilkis Regional Unit and traveled to Doirani lake. There, our volunteers participated in the cleanup on the lakeside area. At the end of this voluntary activity, almost 6.000 litres of waste were collected.

Tree planting

This particular event, an initiative of the Greek Eco Project team,  was under the supervision of the Reforestation Directorate of Macedonia & Thrace. A total of 150 people participated in the tree planting in Triadi region of Thessaloniki- including members of our team - and 480 saplings were planted by the volunteers.

Green corporate culture

84 green-behavior signs were placed in our facilities in Athens and Thessaloniki. These signs encourage the employees of our company to adopt eco-friendly daily practices, reducing their energy footprint. Furthermore, last year, we stopped using plastic cups in our facilities and also we keep educating our people regarding the values of sustainability and circular economy through videos and in-company campaigns.

Meetings – Webinars

Every two months Green Ambassadors schedule a meeting in order to discuss new topics that the company should focus on. Moreover, the team organizes the action plan for the upcoming months and on some occasions invites other teams or institutions that are active around the environment and its protection. 

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