
ALUMIL gets more Green!
ALUMIL’s history is full of innovation and creativity. Love and respect for the environment are always present at every step of the company. This year, amid a very tough period worldwide due to COVID-19 virus - apart from our actions against Coronavirus spread - we decided to go further on our ecological agenda.
Thus, we created ALUMIL Green Ambassadors, a team of employees with mission to protect the environment and raise awareness about green and ecological issues. After the first web meeting among team members , the plan of actions that was defined includes: awareness campaigns for the company staff, upgrade of workspace aiming to reduce the energy footprint, activities for urban redevelopment and also, seminars in collaboration with scientists or people/organizations with eco activities.
The environment plays key role in our society’s structure and its protection will determine life on our planet for generations to come. The creation of Green Ambassadors voluntary team, is ALUMIL’s statement, indicating the significance of environmental issues regarding the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility policy.
Stay tuned for our next Green projects!