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Certificate for passive houses

ALUMIL SUPREME S91 – One of the top aluminium systems in the world for Passive houses

SUPREME S91 (Hi version) was certified by the “Passive House Institute” with the top thermal insulation rate in its class for the climate zone “Cool, temperate”. Thus, once again ALUMIL proved that is a leading company focusing on innovation and green constructions. Uw value was set at 0,71 W/m2K and ALUMIL took one of the first places globally concerning aluminium systems. This award is a big honor for ALUMIL as a Greek multinational company that surpasses the tough competition abroad.

Passive houses, buildings with energy autonomy and ecological functions, are the future in construction industry and our company will be a part of it. Over a decade now, we develop passive house systems, based on sustainable development and circular economy. We have been highly acclaimed for international challenging projects, such as Google Headquarters in New York city. It is worth mentioning that our company was the first Greek corporation that received Passive house certification for SUPREME S91 few years ago.

In ALUMIL we don’t set any limit for our technical knowledge. The various awards bring joy to every member of our organization and give us the courage to keep developing products that will make us proud and will improve people’s daily life all over the world. 

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