The aim of the ALUMIL Αcademy is to educate partners about ALUMIL's products and to certify those who are in accordance with the Institute's specifications and procedures.
The goals set for an educational program are divided into three basic levels, based on the principles of behavioral psychology formulated by B. Bloom and his colleagues:
knowledge, competencies and attitudes.
The objectives at the first level (knowledge) are related to all the data the partner receives in terms of information about the company and its products.
The objectives at the second level (competencies) are the opportunities the trainee will develop after the end of the program so that he can make use of the know-how, skills, qualifications or knowledge.
The objectives at the third level (attitudes) are the values and, in general, the predictions that the partners will develop or acquire, which will affect their preferences and behavior for certain persons, things or situations.
The evaluation system of ALUMIL academy is taking into consideration all three levels and certifies our partners for all of them.